Ansonia Students Add A Touch Of Winter To 125th Anniversary Sign

CONTRIBUTEDMembers of Ansonia High School’s Art Club stand beside a sampling of their work recently after adding a creative and wintery mix of snowflakes to the ANSONIA 125 display that has been seen at many events throughout the year.

Instructor Nancy Bennett-Morgenstern happily collaborated with ANSONIA 125 Deputy Event Coordinator Pat Henri to give the display a festive holiday facelift.

The full display will be on hand Friday, Dec. 5, at Veterans Park next to City Hall on Main Street for Ansonia’s annual tree lighting.

All residents are invited to attend to see the Art Club’s imaginative styling in its entirety while enjoying the tree lighting, a visit from Santa, donuts and hot chocolate and caroling.

Members of the AHS Art Club are: 

  • Ta’naisha Bagley
  • Tina Person
  • Cheyanne Rodriguez
  • Rebecca Kardos
  • Sash-Shawnna Rubie
  • Mecedes McClellan
  • Kaitlyn Sengphilom
  • Da’Quan Thomas

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