When it comes to children in need, the Valley never lets them down!
For a seventh year in a row, the Annual Book Bag & School Supply drive has been a great success. Over 76 book bags and an abundance of back to school supplies were collected this year.
The drive, originally started by the owners of Shelton’s Luther’s Garage, which is now closed, continues on an annual basis through J Cuts, located at 505 Howe Ave.
Each year beginning July 1, Jennifer Sneider, owner of J Cuts, establishes the main collection location for supplies such as book bags, book covers, rulers, pens, pencils, erasers, notebooks, binders, glue, crayons, calculators, pencil sharpeners, paper, folders and more.
Pictured in the photo above, from left to right in the front row: Michelle Sanders, Boys & Girls Club of the LNV and Jennifer Sneider, Owner, J Cuts. Back Row: Karen Martinez, Child FIRST Care Coordinator, LNV Parent Child Resource Center; Tylice MacDonald, LNV Parent Child Resource Center; Suzanne Reilly, Director of Family Support Services, TEAM Inc.; Jane Bailey, Shelton School Readiness Council; Dave Haddad, President of Shelton Community Lions Club; Jennifer Olson, Principal of Irving School and Tony Vellucci, Development Officer, Spooner House.
“The outpouring kindness of the community always warms my heart,” states Sneider. “So many people stop by to drop off donations. Many of my customers do not hesitate to hand me five or ten dollars so I can pick up what we are falling short on. It is amazing how it all balances out for children in need!”
Minuteman Press, located at 427B Howard Ave., was a collection location again this year. They also donated posters for various collection locations to display.
For the third year in a row, Dave Haddad, President of the Shelton Community Lion’s Club, led his organization on a weekly collection during concerts on the Huntington Green. As a result, they were able to contribute greatly to the drive.
“When I first heard about this project, I immediately wanted to get the Lions Club involved,” says Haddad. “We already purchase Eye Glasses for less fortunate Kids, run Pediatric Eye Screenings for Daycare Centers and run a Poster contest for ages 11 – 13 year olds, so why not get involved in collecting school supplies? Since we already have a table at the Summer Concerts on the Huntington Green, I thought we could use it as a collection point for people going to the concert. Every child wants to make a good impression on the first day of school and be proud of the clothes they have on and the backpack and supplies they have. I think this helps their self esteem and positive thinking so they can concentrate on learning.”
This year for the first time, Haynes Materials, which is headquartered in Seymour, held collections throughout their various locations around Connecticut. Locations included Seymour, Oxford and Deep River.
Children receiving donations from this community drive are serviced by T.E.A.M., Inc. and Irving School, both in Derby, along with the Boys and Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley, Area Congregations Together (ACT)/Spooner House, Shelton School Readiness Program and the Lower Naugatuck Valley Parent Resource Center, all in Shelton.
On Tuesday, Aug. 27, representatives from these organizations picked up donations during the annual pick up and final donation drop off.
“Those in need at our shelter are always grateful to those in the community who step forward to donate their time and resources for our benefit,” says Tony Vellucci, Development Officer at the Spooner House. “We are happy to be working with J Cuts and their 7th Annual Book Bag & School Supply Drive. Our children and young adults who receive these needed supplies will have one less worry as they embark on an exciting new school year.”
“This is such an important project and we are grateful that Irving School has been selected to receive backpacks and school supplies for some of our students. This will surely make a difference and will help our students feel prepared for the first day of school,” Jennifer Olson, Principal, Irving School in Derby.
J Cuts will be the main collection location beginning Jan. 1, 2014 for the 8th Annual Monkey Love Valentine Drive. Although this community drive officially kicks off on January 1st, donations are accepted at any time. Donations must be new, stuffed monkeys preferably with tags.
This drive will benefit the same groups of children in need as the Back to School Book Bag & School Supply Drive. The more stuffed monkeys collected, the more the donations will be shared with additional agencies who service children in great need.
Any group, business or organization is welcome to join in the Annual Monkey Love Valentine Drive by holding their own collection.
Call Jennifer Sneider at 203 – 924-4107 with questions or for more information.