Boughton, Miller Get GOP Nods, Lauretti Says He’ll Primary


Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller was nominated for state comptroller over the weekend.

State Republicans nominated Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton for governor during the GOP nominating convention Saturday.

Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti, a declared candidate for governor with a knack for raising money, has said is not giving up his candidacy and will attempt to qualify for a primary challenge in advance of the November general election.

From The CT Mirror:

Lauretti would be the fourth Republican to take out papers to begin a petition drive for the gubernatorial primary. To succeed, they need to collect signatures from 2 percent of registered Republicans — about 9,000 voters — by 4 p.m. on June 12.

The state GOP also nominated Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller for state comptroller.

Miller received the Republican Party’s blessing by a wide margin, according to The CT Mirror, but he could face a primary challenge from within his own party as well.

Litchfield businessman Mark Greenberg won 23 percent of the delegates, easily surpassing the 15-percent threshold (to qualify for a primary). Greenberg was not available for comment immediately after the vote.

Miller described current state Comptroller Kevin Lembo as a rubber stamp” for Gov. Malloy, according to CT News Junkie.

State Democrats are scheduled to endorse candidates this weekend.

In several press releases during the GOP convention, state Dems tied the nominated Republicans to President Trump.

Republicans across the state have already remained silent as Donald Trump and national Republicans championed two pieces of legislation, the tax bill and the Republican health care repeal, that would have devastated Connecticut financially,” the Democrats said.

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