Boys & Girls Club Golf Tournament Aug. 27

The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley will be hosting its annual John Red” Larsen Golf Classic on Monday, August 27, 2018, at Brownson Country Club in Shelton. 

Curtiss Ryan Honda of Shelton is once again the Hole-in-One Sponsor, and Hot Tamale Mexican Grill & Bar of Seymour is our Skill Prize Sponsor. For detailed information and a registration or sponsorship form, visit

The tournament will have an 11 am registration and lunch, followed by a 12 pm shotgun start. Entry fee of $210 per golfer includes 18 holes of golf and cart, driving range, buffet lunch, refreshments on the course, social hour with open bar and dinner (after golf), and tournament gift. A raffle, as well as live and silent auctions will also be available. 

Entries should include names, handicaps, and contact email or phone number sent to John Red” Larsen Golf Classic, Boys & Girls Club LNV, One Positive Place, Shelton, CT 06484. Checks should be made payable to the Boys & Girls Club LNV.

Anyone wishing to become a sponsor, purchase a tee sign, or donate an auction item should contact Lisa Savoid or Ann Wheeler at 203 – 924-7462, LisaSavoid@BGC- or Gold Tournament Sponsorships of $2,500 include a foursome of golf, tee sign, recognition at the awards dinner, inclusion in press releases, and a full-page ad in the tournament program. Silver Sponsorships of $1,500 include a foursome of golf, 3/4‑page ad in the program, and sign. Beverage Cart Sponsors of $1,000 receive 1⁄2‑page ad in the program, a large sign on the beverage cart, and a tee sign. Bronze Sponsors of $1,200 receive a 1⁄2‑page ad in the program, tee sign, and foursome of golf. Green Sponsors of $500 receive a 1⁄2‑page ad in the program and a tee sign. Table & Tee Sponsor get to have a table on the course with promo materials, listing in the program and tee sign. Tee Sponsors of $150 receive a listing in the tournament program and tee sign. Deadline for all sponsorships is August 6. 

The Boys & Girls Club Golf Classic, which has run 45 consecutive years since 1972, is dedicated to John Red” Larsen. Red participated in almost every tournament and was Chairman for more than half. It was common to see Red stuffing tee-favor bags” on Sunday night or putting out sponsor signs in the morning mist. His love for children and his dedication to our Boys & Girls Club were rivaled only by his love for his family and the game of golf.

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