Cassetti: I Look Forward To Open Communication With Incoming Ansonia School Superintendent

Mayor David Cassetti, in an image from the city’s website.

I want to take the opportunity to thank Assistant Superintendent Joe DiBacco for coming before the Board of Alderman Tuesday, March 12, to discuss with us the issues we may be facing with the Ansonia Middle School. 

Though there was no requirement to come before the Board of Aldermen, his desire to open the lines of communication with the Board of Aldermen was a refreshing example of how the City and the Board of Education can, and should, work together. 

The care and proper maintenance of all of our buildings and infrastructure is vital. As you may know, I firmly believe in creating and following a capital plan to address issues before they arise unexpectedly and the costs become unavoidable. 

I appreciate Dr. DiBacco’s efforts to work in a collaborative fashion for the benefit of the children and all residents of the City of Ansonia. I believe firmly that without this spirit of cooperation, there can be no real progress in our City.

For far too long, our city departments have acted independently from one another and the only ones who suffer from that are the residents. 

Resources can be shared, information can be assimilated, creating a cost savings that can be returned to the children and residents of our City. Sharing services and information is a fundamental key to a healthy municipality. 

I look forward to working with Assistant Superintendent Joe DiBacco to explore several possibilities for shared services between the Board of Education and the City of Ansonia in the coming weeks. 

I can speak on behalf of my entire team when I say that we appreciate the leadership and initiative that Dr. DiBacco has already demonstrated. 

Mayor David S. Cassetti
City of Ansonia

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