City Of Ansonia: Invitation For Proposals

Invitation for Proposals

The City of Ansonia acting by and through the Office of Economic Development will receive proposals for the purchase, Lease or combination of for the development of the Ansonia Commerce Park located south of Main Street across from the Eagle Hose Fire Department on Main Street. Developer’s can submit proposals for the development of the entire parcel or any portion of the parcel as depicted on the City of Ansonia site plan prepared by DeCarlo & Doll, Inc. development Concept Plan. The development of the 35 North Main Street Commerce Park land will be on the highest and best use of the parcel(s), and their compatibility with the terms and conditions set forth in the Invitation for Proposal. Copies of the proposal can be obtained through the Town and City Clerk’s Office or by email request to or

Proposals will be received until 2:00 PM on the March 13, 2024 at the Office of the Town and City Clerk, 253 Main Street, Ansonia, CT 06401. Proposal packages may be obtained at the Office of the Town and City clerk office ( or A certified check or bank draft payable to the order of the City of Ansonia shall be submitted with each proposal in an amount equal to $2,500.00, which will act as a Good Faith Deposit. Questions should be directed to Sheila O’Malley, Office of Economic Development at All inquiries will be responded to in writing.

The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or part thereof if it is determined by the City that the proposal is not in its best interest.

Sheila O’Malley Economic Development Director

City of Ansonia

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