Derby City Hall Monday afternoon.
“The police department will be instituting a travel ban for Derby roads beginning this evening at 9 pm.
We ask that all non-essential persons stay off the roadway to allow for road clearing and emergency services.”
The following message was received Monday afternoon from Derby City Hall, which closed early Monday and will be closed Tuesday.
“Attention Derby residents: If your garbage was not picked up on Monday January 26, 2015, please bring the containers back to your home.
Garbage collection was not able to be completed on Monday January 26, 2015 due to weather conditions.
Garbage collection for Tuesday January 27, 2015 is postponed due to the impending blizzard.
Garbage collection for the City of Derby will be delayed at least one day for all residents this week.
We regret any inconvenience.”
The city also declared a local emergency Monday, which helps the city qualify for potential federal funding.