This is a a press release from the CT Commuter Rail Council.
Come to the Derby Train Station on Aug.15, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. and get updates on the following topics:
Service issues over the last three months: branch riders have had to contend with an on time percentage as low as 65%, multiple canceled trains, daily occurrences of late trains and missed connections and busing.
We hope to find out from the Department of Transportation what plans are in place to address this poor level of service.
Fleet upgrade – the 5 year ramp up plan for Let’s Go CT had money set aside for a fleet upgrade and, at a public forum in September 2015, the Commissioner indicated that they were coming.
We hope to find out the status of the previously communicated purchase.
Passing siding update to date and future schedule: what are the potential plans for service additions and is MNR equipped to handle additional train sets and service?
Waterbury waiting room – This was a topic at last year’s Branch meeting and it remains an issue with little progress.
For those coming from the main line, you can get a WBL train in Bridgeport at 6:00, arrive at Derby at 6:25 and then take a 7:48 back to Bridgeport to connect wherever you are headed.
For more information on the Council, check out our website: http://ctcommuterrailcouncil.org