Derby Democratic Leader Supports Rochelle

Kara Rochelle, candidate for State Representative for the 104th, was born and raised here in the valley and without reservation, I trust her to bring a fresh perspective to the Capitol. 

Kara will be a strong advocate for our values and for the residents of our two cities. As our state representative, I know Kara will be a tenacious problem solver focusing on the future of our community – our children. Kara Rochelle will be a champion for quality education and workforce training for the jobs of the future.

Derby and Ansonia need a representative that will fight for the state to make fiscally responsible decisions. Kara understands that you, the voter, have worked hard for your paycheck and that these days, making ends meet seems increasingly harder. She is prepared to fight to ease the burden off the working class because she understands you shouldn’t be the one carrying the load. There is no doubt that Kara Rochelle will represent our best interests in Hartford. 

She understands that on November 7th, we will still be neighbors, that we will still be sons and daughters of the Valley. Kara will continue the legacy of Linda Gentile and work for and with all of our residents. Please join me in supporting Kara Rochelle as our next state representative.

Aniello Malerba III

Derby Democratic Town Chair

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