Derby High School Class Of 1987 Reunion

The Derby High School Class of 1987 will be holding a class reunion at John J. Sullivan’s on Aug.18, 2012 at 6 p.m.

There will be an open bar, live entertainment and a buffet.

John J. Sullivan’s is at 557 Wakelee Ave. in Ansonia.

A check for $50.00 per person can be written to: 

Lara Green-Kazlauskas and can be sent to:
55 Crescent Street, Winsted, CT. 06098

Paypal is also accepted, but please add $5.00 processing fee: $55.00 to for anyone who uses PayPal.

We also have a FB page for this event. This can be accessed through any of the below individuals.

Hosts and Hostesses are:
Lara Green-Kazlauskas
Tracy Horvath Wood
Michael Regan
Lynn Bartolucci
Andy Dunaj
Greg Kiley

We’re starting a newsletter. Click here to sign up!