Derby OEM Going Door-To-Door

Derby Office of Emergency Management is currently walking door-to-door to speak with residents regarding their current power issues and needs.

They are also offering to distribute food and water as needed by residents. 

The City does not have a shelter in operation as of now but those people needing shelter will be placed in the closest town shelter that can accommodate their specific needs. 

If you need information regarding food, water , comfort station or sheltering needs, please call the Office of Emergency Management at (203) 736‑1458.

The City of Derby is still running a Comfort Station at the Community Center 35 Fifth St for those without power. 

Residents can take showers, charge their cell phones, medical equipment and laptops at this center.

It is open Monday – Friday 7am to 9pm, Saturday from 9am-3pm and Sunday from 9am-2pm. The phone number is 203 – 735-4222. 

We ask that residents wishing to use the Comfort Station please bring a towel and toiletries as none are available.

Unfortunately, the City of Derby does not know when your power will be restored, but we are working on making the outage a bit more comfortable.

We’re starting a newsletter. Click here to sign up!