Cannici’s interview will premiere 9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5 on YouTube
and on Facebook.
Click the video above for a preview.
That day will mark 30 years since Russo’s first show with Francesa. Russo is currently heard on Sirius/XM satellite radio.
The Russo episode will also air Tuesday, Sept. 10 on Comcast Channel 10.
Russo’s son, Tim, joins the pair for the interview.
Here’s a Q & A I did with Cannici over email.
Valley Independent Sentinel: So, Mike, how did your show land an interview with one of the biggest names in the history of sports talk radio?
Cannici: “I tried for two years. Basically I was able to get in touch (thanks to some help from a couple of folks New Canaan) to get in touch with Tim Russo. I explained to him my idea for this tribute interview and both Tim and “Mad Dog” were both on board.”
VIS:Did you ask any questions about the status of his relationship with
Michael Patrick Francesa?
Neech: “No, but we did talk about the history of the show, and how Sept.5 will be their 30th anniversary of their first show.”
VIS: In your opinion, why has Francesa sort of turned into a broadcaster many people love to hate, while the Mad Dog has remained beloved?
Neech: “Chris really loves the fans. That’s not to say Mike doesn’t, but I think Mike enjoys talking to the audience as a whole. Chris really loves talking to the individual callers, if that makes sense. That’s the difference.”

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(From left to right) Tim Russo, Mike Cannici, Chris ‘Mad Dog’ Russo. The Russos are holding artwork by Rob Monte of Rocky Hill.
VIS: You have a photographic memory for sports-related stuff, as evidenced by me watching you record the “Valley Sports Rewind” podcast. But I noticed you were holding notes for this interview. Were you nervous?
Neech: “I was very nervous leading up to it, but once they walked into the building I said to myself, ‘This is always what you wanted. Make it fun, not a job’.” I was relaxed once we started. As far as the notes, I had them just in case, but I didn’t need them once we started.”
VIS: The interview/episode looks very well-produced. Who filmed it and where was it filmed?
Neech: “The interview was filmed at the New Canaan parks and recreation department. The biggest obstacle was getting a location. I reached out to a few people. I cannot thank Tom Stadler, the administrative officer for the New Canaan First Selectman, and Stephen Benko, New Canaan’s recreation director. Without their help this interview would not have happened.
The filming and lighting was done by Shawn Tait and Katie Dunn. Shawn recently filmed our Derby Athletic Hall of Fame ceremony and did a tremendous job. He really gave this interview the feel I wanted.
His company is Laird Productions. Katie was outstanding as well, and she did a great job, especially with the audio.”
VIS: Does it bother you that the Mad Dog, the man with one of the most distinctive New York voices in the history of sports broadcasting, loves the San Francisco Giants?
Neech: “No, it would bother me if he were a Red Sox or Mets fan. He hates the Yankees, and that can be frustrating, but it would be worse if he was a fan of one of those teams. He would be hard to take on the radio.”
VIS: Was there anything the Mad Dog and his son came onto promote?
Neech: “No. The premise of this tribute was simply to pay tribute to them as a father and son. They are an interesting pair. Tim is inspiring to be a college coach someday. He is in his junior year at the University of Tampa and he just returned from a summer internship in Indianapolis working behind the scenes with various coaches.”
VIS: You said you contacted Tim to get to the Mad Dog?
Neech: “We met through Facebook. Social media can be good and bad, but I can promise you I wouldn’t have landed this interview without it.”

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During the interview.