Derby Resident: Vote Cabrera For State Senate

To the Editor,

There is a saying: Think Globally, Act Locally. Much of the news we’re bombarded with daily is big, and we citizens often feel unheard, helpless to effect change. That’s why I’ve been paying more attention to the local level. The work of our state legislators can impact the actions of our governor and give us a voice at the national level. These mid-term elections are important, and I encourage everyone to vote who is eligible.

Equally important is your choice at the polls. I will be casting my vote in the 17th District Senate race for Jorge Cabrera. I’ve spoken with Cabrera several times about his background in working for unions and his passion for making a difference. I am confident that he will provide a strong voice for the underrepresented, including, for example, women.

Surprisingly, wage inequality is worse in Connecticut than in most other states. We need a fair minimum wage that enables women and families to live. This past term, a bill (HB 5357) that would ensure paid family and medical leave faced opposition and never came up for a vote. Our residents – men and women alike – would also benefit from improved education and job training. When these issues are adequately addressed, all residents will benefit.

Cabrera’s opponent, Sen. Logan, votes along Republican Party lines at least 90% of the time, serving to scuttle legislation that would help women and working families. He has also endorsed candidates who oppose women’s rights, most notably Sen. Joe Markley.

So when you go to the polls for these mid-term elections (and I do hope you go), please vote for Cabrera – he has the energy, passion, and compassion to meaningfully improve the lives of Connecticut’s residents.

Samantha Burgan

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