Derby Thanks Pollastro, Sill And Szewczyk

Derby bid adieu Thursday to three outgoing members of its Board of Aldermen.

One of them, straight-talking Republican Tony Szewczyk, would probably roll his eyes at the pretentious use of the phrase bid adieu” in the sentence above.

Thanks to everybody for … whatever,” Szewczyk joked during his final Aldermen meeting.

Szewczyk and fellow Republican Sam Pollastro were not re-elected to their seats representing the First Ward Nov. 3. 

Meanwhile, Ron Sill, a veteran of Derby politics dating back to 1975, opted not to seek re-election to his Second Ward seat.

Each man was thanked for their service to the city by Mayor Anthony Staffieri and their fellow Aldermen.

Sill, a Democrat, became a member of the Zoning Commission in 1975 — and had been an Aldermen since 1986.

During his time as an Alderman, Sill had the chance to represent each of the city’s three wards, Staffieri said.

Sill was also a member of the Board of Education — and a Democratic Constable in the mid-1980s.

The mayor said Sill is known for putting party politics aside and simply doing what’s best for Derby.

It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve this long,” said Sill, who received a standing ovation from the audience in the Derby Aldermanic Chamber.

Szewczyk, known for his Columbo-style” questioning, said the mayor, worked feverishly to make Derby a better place to live.”

In his parting remarks, Szewczyk urged the Board of Aldermen to keep working on reviving Derby’s downtown — while making darn sure any developer with a plan has the proper financing in place.

Pollastro was appointed to the Board of Aldermen in July, to fill the vacancy created when Alderman James Allaire resigned.

Staffieri urged him to stay involved with the city through volunteering. Pollastro thanked the Republicans for the opportunity to serve.

Republicans Szewczyk and Pollastro are being replaced by Democrats Stephen Iacuone and Barbara DeGennaro in the First Ward.

Republican Joseph DiMartino will represent Sill’s Second Ward.

An inauguration ceremony for Derby elected officials is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 5 at 11 a.m. in the Derby High School auditorium.

A dinner is scheduled for 7 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Grassy Hill Lodge.

Call Staffieri’s office at (203) 736‑1450 for details and reservations.

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