‘Distraction Burglaries’ Target The Elderly

Derby police issued a warning Sunday for distraction burglaries” targeting the elderly.

There have been four such crimes in the hilltop area of east Derby, according to information from Derby Police Lt. Justin Stanko, and similar crimes have been reported in the region.

Here is how it works — a suspect appears at a house under the pretense of offering a service, such as driveway sealing or tree trimming. The suspect may get the resident to come out of the home.

Then, while the suspect has the attention of the resident, another suspect enters the house and steals cash and jewelry.

While it sounds like a simple concept, the suspects will plan go to great lengths to conceal their identities.

Suspects will also use ploys to include posing as legitimate representatives of the electric company, cable company, water department, city inspectors and/or surveyors,” Stanko said in a prepared statement. They will display fraudulent credentials, operate vehicles displaying magnetic signs for non-existent companies, and make claims of offering discounted services.”

While the crimes have been reported in the hilltop area, they could happen anywhere — and unsuccessful attempts by the criminals could mean the crime has been under-reported.

Residents are advised to immediately phone the police or dial 911 when approached by unsolicited parties and to never open their door regardless of the appearance of legitimacy,” Stanko said.

One such burglary happened Saturday on Grandview Boulevard. Descriptions of the suspects were not available.

A 2003 scholarly report on distraction burglaries in England said awareness is a key ingredient to prevent being victimized by these types of scams.

The same study suggested older citizens should make sure their doors are locked, don’t open the door to strangers, and use a chain lock on front doors.

Anyone with information on these crimes in Derby should call 203 – 735-7811. Calls will remain confidential.

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