Election Cheat Sheet: DERBY

Dan Foley, Jr.

Anthony Staffieri

Looking for information on candidates running for office Nov. 3?

Here are a collection of links to guide you.

Polling Places

Irving School, 9 Garden Place: Ward 1 (west), Ward 2

Bradley School, 155 David Humphrey’s Road: Ward 1 (east), Ward 3

Electronic Valley has list of roads, corresponding polling place. Click and look under Where do you vote?


Derby Republicans

Anthony Staffieri, incumbent Mayor

All Valley Indy stories on the Derby election.

Valley Gazette’s Staffieri profile

New Haven Register’s Derby mayoral race story.

Click here to watch Staffieri accept his party’s nomination.

Official Staffieri site

Staffieri on Facebook

Complete list of under ticket candidates on the Electronic Valley.

Derby Democrats

Dan Foley, Jr., candidate for Mayor. 

All Valley Indy stories on the Derby election

Valley Gazette’s Foley profile.

New Haven Register’s Derby mayor’s race story.

Click here to watch Foley accept his party’s nomination.

Official Foley Web site.

Foley on Facebook

Democratic Candidates for:

First Ward

Second Ward

Third Ward


City Clerk

City Constable

Tax Board


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