Event To Support Domestic Violence Services April 4 In Derby

Walnut Hill Community Church’s Derby Campus, located at the corner of Smith and Ninth Streets in Derby, is hosting its third Annual 5k Easter Run – Walk to Fight Domestic Violence. 

The net proceeds from the event will go to BHCare’s Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services. 

The Umbrella serves all the Valley communities as well as communities of the New Haven Shoreline. 

The Easter Run – Walk will take place on Saturday, April 4, on the Derby Greenway. 

It will start on the industrial park access road behind BJs Warehouse located at 20 Division Street in Derby. 

To register or for more information, visit www.easterrunwalk.com.

Check in on race day begins at 8 a.m. The Fun Run for younger children begins at 8:40 a.m., while the 5k Run – Walk starts at 9 a.m.

Awards with be presented to the top finishers overall and by age group. 

A free raffle will be conducted for prizes provided by sponsors and post-race refreshments will be served.

We’ve been asked often what motivates us, as a church, to get involved in such community-based events,” Walt Mayhew, Campus Pastor of Walnut Hill’s Derby Campus, said. The answer is simple. It is how we live out our faith in obedience to Jesus’ teachings to love God and our neighbors.” 

The church is involved in a number of community-based events, such as free family movie nights and a free fall festival. 

This past September, they hosted the Derby’s B.E.S.T. 5k Run – Walk, which raised over $3,000 to provide funding for seven projects serving more than 200 students in the Derby School System.

Mayhew said the Easter Run – Walk serves neighbors” desperately in need who because of fear and shame often remain silent. 

Domestic violence is taking place all around us. The statistics are both shocking and disturbing. In addition to raising funds to serve victims of domestic violence, we want to spread the word that help is available,” Mayhew said. 

He went on to site national statistics to demonstrate the widespread nature of domestic violence, as published in the Huffington News: Nationally, 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. 

Every nine seconds, a woman is beaten in the U.S.

Domestic violence has killed more people in the U.S. than the number of soldiers who died in the war in Afghanistan during the same period.

Mayhew hopes that with the increased awareness of domestic violence, more people in the community will come out this year and walk in the event. 

He said, This event is a relatively easy way to stand against domestic violence. Come out and walk with us. Get some people to sponsor you. You can make a difference.” 

Last year, the Umbrella provided free emergency safe shelter, 24-hour crisis, counseling,
advocacy, support and other crucial services to over 9,000 victims of domestic violence and their children. 

During that same period, their 24-hour hotline fielded nearly 3,000 calls last year. All services offered by the Umbrella are free of charge and confidential. 

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