Foley Hopes For ‘Brighter Future’ In Derby

Now that campaign season is winding down and Election Day is days away, I humbly ask for your support on November 8 in my pursuit to be the next mayor of Derby. 

I began my quest for City Hall last December, and over the past 11 months, I have devoted the majority of my time working on my campaign, focused and determined to make Derby a better place.

My campaign started off on the right foot when Mike McFarland agreed to be my campaign manager. Mike is highly regarded in the community and served as the campaign manager for the successful mayoral campaigns for one of Derby’s most-respected mayors, Richard A. Grande.

I turned my attention to building my platform, basing everything on one simple concept: putting Derby 1st, at the forefront of every conclusion.

My platform was introduced and outlined to the public as early as July. 

I decided to articulate and convey my message early because it is extensive and all-inclusive to move Derby forward.

The main focuses of my campaign have been Public Safety & Quality of Life, Economic Development, Education and Municipal Finances.

If elected, these issues will be a high priority.

Among the most significant issues to address include:

Increase police presence and install cameras on public property in high-crime areas

  • Reinstitute foot patrol of police officers
  • Aggressively pursue businesses that will enhance Derby’s tax base
  • Privatize or remove the parking garage
  • Ensure that all city-issued loans are paid as required
  • Reduce legal costs
  • Create a task force to look at how our local government can provide better and more cost-effective services for our residents
  • Call for an Educational Summit to urge educational leaders to develop a comprehensive plan to improve test scores
  • Call for changes in teacher contracts to ensure the best teachers are retained based on performance
  • Propose to change tax payments to four times a year from the present two-payment schedule, easing the burden on homeowners
  • Institute a policy of transparency

My platform and solutions to the many issues facing Derby can be read in it’s entirety by clicking here.

The underlying factor within each of these objectives is transparency. My administration will implement a policy of transparency that is sorely lacking under the present administration. Transparency is the most important goal of any government, especially when it concerns the flow of taxpayer money.

My mailings and commentaries throughout this campaign have revealed many inconsistencies within the current administration and have exposed Mayor Staffieri and have proven him to be little more than a gatekeeper for the past several years.

And, Mayor Staffieri has done little to counter my platform. When given the opportunity to debate, he once again declined. The uncertainty that has plagued the City of Derby can be changed on November 8.

Again, I humbly ask for your support on Election Day and I look forward to leading Derby to a brighter future.

The writer is a Democrat running for mayor

Note:The Valley Indy will cease publishing guest columns by Sunday, Nov. 6. The final deadline for submissions is Saturday, Nov. 5 at 12 p.m.

Note: The Valley Indy welcomes guest columns’ from those running for local office. We take each submission on a case-by-case basis. We’ll print up to two a month per candidate. We ask that the columns offer positions and solutions, as opposed to simply criticizing an opponent. We insist on a 500-word limit. If a political opponent takes issue with a guest column, responses are encouraged in our comment section. We encourage candidates to register with Facebook with your first and last name to post a response here. We will not post your responses for you.

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