Official: Derby Mayoral Race Does Not Qualify For Recount

Derby Town Clerk Laura Wabno has told candidate Dan Foley, Jr. there will be no recount in the Derby mayoral race.

Foley, a Democrat, lost to Republican Mayor Anthony Staffieri by 38 votes.

While the margin of victory was close, it was not close enough for a recount, Wabno told Foley today.

Foley had requested the recount through an e‑mail to Wabno at 10:30 p.m. Wedneday. 

Wabno contacted the Ted Bromley, an attorney with the state Elections Enforcement Commission, who reiterated state law which says a recount can only happen if the difference is less than .5 percent, or less than 20 votes.

We do not meet the guidelines,” Wabno said. There will be no recount.”

Foley said he wanted the votes recounted because his supporters have been asking him to do so. He had said he did not think a recount would change the outcome of the race.

The candidate court seek to address the issue in court and ask a judge to intervene, but Foley is not interested in that.

Although I’m certain it will not change the outcome, I feel compelled to satisfy the voters that have been hounding me and to put it to rest. This is not a sour apple request. It is solely to let the people know the process works,” Foley said Thursday, prior to being informed by the Town Clerk.

Recounts were formally requested Wednesday by Joseph Gruttadauria, Jr., a Democrat who ran for First Ward Alderman, and Joseph DiMartino, a Republican who ran for Second Ward Alderman.

The recount in the Ward races is scheduled for 10 a.m. Tuesday (Nov. 15) in the Aldermanic Chambers in Derby City Hall.

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