Frozen Turkey And Holiday Meal Food Drive Begins Today

The Spooner House annual frozen turkey and fixings drive for holiday meal baskets is beginning on Nov. 14 and will continue through mid December. 

The goal for this holiday season is to prepare 650 meal baskets; the items suggested for each basket are at the end of this release. 

Last year the Spooner House Food Bank served 4,400 holiday meals. Please help ensure that no one goes without a Holiday Meal. 

On Wednesday, Nov. 14 from 8 to 11 a.m. at 1000 Bridgeport Avenue in Shelton, Dr. Bruce Sofferman and his family will continue their 32 year tradition of dressing up as pilgrims and Native Americans to flag down drivers hoping to collect food for those in need. 

With the many state budget cuts this year, more people than ever are in need of support in the lower Naugatuck Valley to obtain the ingredients necessary for satisfying holiday meals.

In 2017 we collected enough for more than 600 baskets serving hundreds of individuals through the Spooner House Food Bank during the holidays,” said Executive Director Susan Compton Agamy. The winter months always increase the need for more services because of the colder temperatures and a variety of other issues which impact our client base.”

We are delighted to have the 32 years of support from Smile Dental Center owner, Dr. Bruce Sofferman, his wife Deborah and daughter Sophia, to help with the annual food drive,” Agamy said. 

Visit for other donation locations and updates. Also check for updates and pictures on their Facebook page. Again this year, some locations will not be able to accept frozen turkeys, only non-perishable items for those in need. Spooner House is asking everyone to be as generous as possible and thanks all in advance for any help they are able to provide.

Food items may always be dropped at the Spooner House, 30 Todd Road in Shelton Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is staff on duty 24/7. Contact the supervisor on duty to arrange a donation delivery at 203 – 225-0453.

Area Congregations Together, Inc. (ACT) is a non-profit 501c3 organization and was formed in 1979 to help fill gaps in the lower Naugatuck Valley s social service network. Today, Spooner House is operated by ACT and is a facility that provides food, shelter and support services to approximately 150 men, women and children during the year, annually for 5,000 people are providing approximately 108,000 meals. 


Please place your items in a sturdy box or bin

· 1 Box Instant Potatoes
· 2 Packages of Gravy
· 1 Box/Bag Stuffing Mix
· 1 Can Cranberry Sauce
· 4 Cans of Vegetables, for example: ‑corn/peas/asparagus/yams/carrots/beets
· Pie Crust Mix
· Pie Filling
· 1 Can Evaporated/Powdered Milk
· 1 Jar Pickles
· 2 Cans Olives
· Canned Fruit, for example: ‑peaches/pineapple/mixed fruit/fruit cocktail
· Coffee/Tea
· Powdered Juice Mix

Extras: Napkins, Sugar, Brownie Mix, Corn Bread/Biscuit Mix

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