Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce Hosts 41st Gold Seal Awards Ceremony

Last month the Greater Valley Chamber and approximately 200 members and friends gathered to recognize five individuals and their outstanding achievements in the community. 

The Chamber presented five awards consisting of the Silver Medal Award, three Gold Seal Awards and the Platinum Award to our region’s business and community leaders who exemplify the spirit of selflessness and volunteerism.

These awards are among the most prestigious and time-honored community service awards in the Valley. 

Alan Tyma, 1999 Gold Seal recipient, presided over the event as master of ceremonies.

The Silver Medal Award has only been presented 24 times and was first awarded in 1986. 

The Chamber has presented the award to recognize volunteer groups or partnerships that have made extraordinary contributions to the community or to recognize an individual’s dedicated service and assistance to the community. 

This year’s Silver Medal Award recipient was Commodore Hull Thanksgiving Day 5K Road Race. This annual road race unites the communities of the Valley, while simultaneously raising money for organizations and remembering a Great War hero. This event has raised approximately $100,000 for the Boys & Girls Club and has attracted people from across the nation to run and visit the Valley.

The Gold Seal Award has been presented to 143 individuals since 1971. This award is given annually by the Chamber to a recipient who demonstrates outstanding community service through dedicated and effective leadership. 

The Gold Seal Award this year was presented to Barbara Casagrande, Joseph A. Pagliaro, Jr., and Anthony San Angelo.

Barbara has been an active member of the Valley for many years, leaving an imprint on the lives of many. Most recently Barbara has started and is Co-Director of The Hope Center, providing job training primarily focused on computer skills, GED preparation as well as 1‑on- 1 teaching. 

Joseph exhibits extensive dedication to his community. Currently he is a Board Member of the Valley United Way, co-Chair of BG Healthcare Bowl-to-Benefit, and Board Member of the Valley Community Foundation. 

Contributed PhotoAnthony has been involved with the community since 1979. He has donated his time and energy illustrating what it means to be a community leader, beginning his efforts as the President of the Beacon Falls Jaycee’s, and for a number of years has been the Chairman of the Economic Development Commission, Board Secretary of Birmingham Health Services, and Chairman of the Birmingham Group Foundation, to name a few.

In 2001, in honor of the 30th Anniversary of the Gold Seal Awards, the Chamber introduced the Platinum Award. 

Only 12 individuals have received the Platinum award and it is presented to a past Gold Seal recipient of at least 10 years who is still dedicated to volunteering their time and resources on behalf of the Valley Community. 

The year’s Platinum Award honoree was M. Elizabeth Kennard. Winning the Gold Seal Award in 1998, Liz’s talents and efforts are continually recognized for having a great impact on the community. Liz is one of the founding members and former chair of the Valley Community Foundation. She is active in the Women Making a Difference Committee and is an annual presenter for Leadership Greater Valley. 

The combined efforts of all our recipients, both past and present, have resulted in lasting contributions in the Greater Valley communities of Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Oxford, Seymour and Shelton.

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