People and Animals Working in Spirit (PAWS), Griffin Hospital’s pet therapy program, and Connecticut Emergency Animal Response Service (EARS) will host a Pet First Aid Class on Sat., Jan. 27 at the hospital, 130 Division St., Derby.
The EARS Team will be at the hospital from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
From 11 a.m. until noon, the team will talk about responding to medical emergencies and technical rescues involving animals in the community.
The Pet First Aid class will be from noon until 1 p.m., featuring a multimedia presentation and hands-on learning, followed by a Q&A session with the EARS team.
Registration is required, but this program is open to all ages.
Though the class is about pets, participants are asked to leave their pets at home so they can focus on the hands-on work and demonstrations.
The suggested donation is $10 a person for the class.
All contributions will help EARS continue its pet response mission.
To RSVP email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or call (203) 941-EARS.
EARS is a team of volunteer first responders trained for rapid-response to “all-hazard” animal emergencies within Connecticut. The organization focuses on disaster response, emergency transport, technical rescue and training pet owners how to respond to an emergency.
For more information about EARS, visit earsct.org.