GUEST COLUMN: Ansonia GOP ‘Talking Out Of Both Sides Of Their Mouths’

I strongly reject Republican Town Committee Chairman John Marini’s political assertion of playing gutter politics.”

Last year, in trying to pass a resolution and add this issue to the City Charter, Alderman Marini is quoted in the minutes as saying the following: They can not run for elected positions or be nominated for appointment or reappointment if they are behind on their taxes.”

This is straight from the Charter Revision Commission minutes of which Alderman Marini is the Chairman of, dated Feb. 28,2013.

Mr. Marini had no problem in February dragging volunteers who sit on boards or commissions through the public arena, but now in September of the same year the Republican mayoral candidate was in violation of the policy Mr. Marini was trying to pass and now it’s GUTTER POLITICS.”

If you read their comments in the Valley Indy today, Alderman Marini and Mayoral candidate Cassetti are speaking out of both sides of their mouth.

Mr. Cassetti says he has not had a chance to pay his taxes because he is inundated with work and shorthanded, while in the same article Mr. Marini is quoted as saying he is a struggling businessman.

Which one is it, folks?

So I ask you Mr. Marini, was this issue regarding candidates running for office or being appointed to boards political grandstanding in February of this year, or is it a double standard now in September of the same year?

Should only the Democrats who have tax problems be criticized? I’d like to hear an honest answer!

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