Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) invites all those interested in becoming citizen scientists to join DEEP staff and volunteers for a training session at Kellogg Environmental Center, 500 Hawthorne Ave. in Derby.
After training, you will be able help DEEP staff and volunteers count monarch butterflies and bumble bees as part of a research team project.
Monarch Watch training – monarch butterflies
7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 17
Great Sunflower Project training – bumble bees
10:00 a.m. Saturday, June 4
Families and individuals may take part in either, or both, of the programs, but must attend a training.
Upon completion of the training program(s) we will ask you to be part of the Kellogg volunteer research team recording the activity of monarchs and bumble bees in the fields and gardens surrounding the Kellogg Environmental Center.
Research takes place May through September. Volunteers will be scheduled for weekdays or weekends based on their availability. Data will be compiled and submitted to the national website research stations, helping scientists understand population fluctuations in North America and how it relates to habitat loss, diversity and climate.
This is a great family event to get children and parents outside observing the natural environment. All ages can help collect information and photos of bee and butterfly activity.
Registration for either, or both, of the trainings is required and participation is free. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Kellogg Environmental Center is located at 500 Hawthorne Avenue, Derby, CT. For further information, directions, or to register, please phone the Kellogg Environmental Center at (203) 734‑2513 or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).