Here Are The Schedules For Memorial Day Parades In Ansonia, Derby-Shelton, And Seymour

An image from the 2013 Derby-Shelton Memorial Day Parade.

The Valley is gearing up to honor the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice by hosting Memorial Day Parades later this month.

In Seymour, the annual Memorial Day will happen at 11 a.m. May 29. The Seymour Remembers” parade will feature marching bands, local youth and sports organizations, a cavalcade of emergency vehicles and more. The parade will step off from French Memorial Park, located at the junction of Route 8, Route 67 and Spruce Street, and end at the Seymour Community Center, 20 Pine St. All marching units are asked to line up at 10 a.m. at French Park.

A new addition to the parade will include several mascots to honor the various branches of the military. Mini American flags will also be handed out to parade-goers along the route.

The Grand Marshal is 100-year old Seymour resident Albert Wehrhelm. He served in the Coast Guard from 1942 to 1945.

Pre-parade ceremonies will be held at the reviewing stand next to the railroad station on Main Street at 10:40 a.m.

Parade Committee Chairman Alex Danka is inviting any interested marching units to contact him at (475)202‑3129 or by email Danka said he’s also hoping to find someone with a convertible to ride in the parade, and to contact him as soon as possible.

In Seymour, Seymour’s American Legion Post 10 will hold its annual Memorial Day service at 9 a.m. May 30 with a wreath ceremony on the Bank Street bridge. Then at 10 a.m., a service will be held at Veteran’s Grove at French Memorial Park, paying special tribute to Benjamim Bazzell, the recently identified Korean War veteran from Seymour who was in the Battle of Chosin Reservoir.

In Ansonia, Mayor David Cassetti said he’s excited to announce the return of the annual Memorial Day Parade, schedule to step off this year at 2 p.m. May 29 from Nolan Field on Wakelee Avenue.

Cassetti said this year’s line-up will include dozens of marching bands, military vehicles, and special guests. The parade will also include a special event with an unveiling between 2:45 and 3 p.m. in front of Ansonia City Hall, at 253 Main St. 

Cassetti said he had a statue made to honor the first Ansonia resident killed in World War II, William J. Carver. Donations from Burns Construction and Road Ready made the statue possible, Cassetti said.

The parade route will wind down in the former Big Y parking lot. Best viewing spots include along Wakelee Avenue, Jackson Street, Franklin Street and Main Street.

Ansonia Corporation Counsel John Marini will serve as parade grand marshal, as well as the emcee, announcing the parade units from a platform in front of City Hall as they pass by.

The Derby-Shelton Memorial Day Parade will kick off at 9 a.m. May 30. According to Parade Chairman James Chic’ Tortora , this year’s parade, dubbed Lest We Forget,’ will step off from a new location on Cornell Street in Shelton. The parade will proceed along Howe Avenue and wind down at its usual ending spot at the junction of Elizabeth and Cottage streets in Derby.

There will be a military flyover at approximately 9:30 am.

Tortora said parade participants will assemble in a new location, as well, on Canal Street. Fire departments and other large apparatus are to park in the Municipal Lot in downtown Shelton and fall in when their units pass.

Canal Street and Cornell Street will be closed from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. when the parade ends.

This year’s parade Grand Marshal will be Jefferey J. Wilchinsky of the Derby’s East End Hose Co. #3. The parade Chief of Staff will be Mike Klubek of Derby American Legion Post #24.

Prior to the Derby-Shelton Parade, there will be a Memorial Day Service at 7 p.m. May 29 at Shelton Intermediate School, located at 675 Constitution Boulevard North. The service, which is open to the public, will honor local military men and women who died in the past year.

Invites will be sent to the relatives of the deceased who will be honored.

(This article was posted on May 18)

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