Irving School Honor Roll, First Quarter 2013

Jennifer Olson, Principal of Irving School, Derby, has announced the honor roll for the first marking period of the 2013 – 2014 school year.

Those students who have achieved high honors are:

GRADE FOUR – Devany Edwards, Jackson Kellog, Rowan King, Helen Kowarik, Lilly Lane, Trinity Sullivan

GRADE FIVE – Christina Cramer, Justin Liriano

Those students who achieved honors are:

GRADE FOUR – Gianna Baligad, Daisy Calvert, Braulio Cappas, Millie Carlson, Jazmin Carmon, Aidan Davis, Aaron Grammatico, Joshua Hayden, Myonna Johnson, Maria Lascurian, Kailey McCellan, Madison Nolan, Jazmine Ordunez, Nidhi Patel, Avianna Sapiente, Aixa Vazquez

GRADE FIVE: Marylin Castaneda, May Cedanio, Summer Cesaroni, Nicole Colon, Jessica Davies, Natalia Gruszkos, Melanie Hernandez, Madison Mandanici, Ariana Martinez, Kenneth Molina, Kiara Swilling, Matthew Whelan

A special recognition to the students with perfect attendance in the first marking period.

See the embedded PDF below to read all the names.


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