Please add this information to your calendar!
Ansonia Nature Center, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia Ct 06401
To register for all events please call 203 736 1053
NEW YEAR’S DAY HIKE – Tues. Jan 1, 10 am
Bring a healthy start to your new year at the Nature Center. Our ranger will conduct this brisk walk while you learn a little natural history trivia along the way. FREE. Please call to register 203 736‑1053. Inclement weather cancels.
REPURPOSE OLD CANDLES- Sun. Jan. 13, 2:30 pm
Wondering what to do with all of your old, burnt out candles? Bring them to this class! Ranger Jess will show you how to melt down wax from your old candles and make brand new candles out of them. Bring an old glass jar with you to hold your new candle. For adults and children 11 and up. Please pre-register 203 736‑1053. as class size is limited. MATERIALS FEE: $3 per person.
23RD ANNUAL DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.’S LEGACY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL JUSTICE – Sun. Jan. 20, 12 noon – 4 pm; Mon. Jan. 21, 10 am – 4 pm
Join the Nature Center at the Yale Peabody Museum, 170 Whitney Avenue, New Haven. The Peabody will once again offer world-class performances and educational activities for families and visitors of all ages, in honor of Dr. King and his efforts to ensure justice for all people. Admission to the Peabody is FREE for the two days of this event.
NATURAL FIBER CREATIONS – Sat. Jan. 26, 1:30 pm
Make your own natural fiber bracelet with Ranger Amie. Materials from the Nature Center grounds will be used to create this simple woven bracelet. For the ambitious, learn how to make a beautiful basket using a birds’-nest weave. Parents with children ages 5 and up are welcome to join. Bring a pair of scissors; all other materials will be provided. FREE. Please call to register 203 736‑1053
GRUMPY GROUNDHOGS – Sat. Feb. 2, 1:30 pm
You’d be grumpy too if someone forced you to wake up when you weren’t ready! Come learn all about the best winter nappers of all. For all ages. A short hike to discover a groundhog den, a craft and a story are planned. Pre-registration required 203 736‑1053 FREE.
IT’S ALL IN THE BARK: Winter Tree ID – Sun. Feb. 3, 1 pm
Tired of straining your eyes trying to discern leaves to determine what type of tree you are looking at? Never worry about leaves again! During this guided hike, Ranger Jess will show you how to identify at least 20 common woodland trees by their bark alone! For adults and children 9 and up. Dress for the weather and wear footwear appropriate for hiking. Please call to register 203 736‑1053. FREE.
Creature Features – Saturdays, noon
Come to meet our furry, scaly, and feathery animal ambassadors. You’ll have the chance to touch and hold them in this FREE family program for all ages.
Sunday Guided Hikes – Sundays, 1 pm
Join a Nature Center guide on Sunday afternoons for fun, exercise, and learning about our trails! See the above listings for hikes with a specific theme.
Fiber Arts Group – Tuesdays, 6 pm
Get together with others to work on your fiber arts projects! Bring any kind of fiber work — knitting, felting, crocheting, etc. A great way to dedicate time to your handiwork and socialize too.