July Events At The Ansonia Nature Center

Blaze, the Ansonia Nature Center’s bearded dragon.

Visit the nature center’s website and Facebook page.


This is a great weekend family program to learn all about the creatures of Long Island Sound. We will explore the Nature Center’s salt water tank and learn how to identify and hold common critters you will find at New England’s local beaches this summer. FEE: $6 per person.

COMFREY SALVE – Sat. July 7, 1:30 pm
Ranger Dawn will show you how to make a salve from this amazing plant. Each person will take home complete instructions, a container of the salve you’ll make in class, and your own comfrey plant! FEE: $10 per person. Adults and children 12 years and up. Please call to register.

Ranger Amie will take the group up to the Great Meadow to explore the edge of the woods and field. You will have a tea party in the Small Pavilion, and then build some fairy houses with natural objects like sticks, rocks, and acorn cups! Herbal tea, creamer, sugar, cups and spoons will be provided. Bring snacks to share if you like. FEE: $5 per person. Bring a mat or blanket to sit on. For all ages; toddlers and babies welcome! All children must be accompanied by an adult. Group size is limited, so please pre-register.

FAERIE GLITTER – Sun. July 15, 2:30 pm
There are sparkly rocks all around us, if you know where to find them! Join Ranger Jessica in collecting and crushing this natural material to make your own super-shiny faerie glitter. As a bonus, you’ll be helping the Earth by using a natural alternative to the plastic glitter sold by craft stores! Bring a container to take your new glitter home. FREE. For ages 5 years and up; children must be accompanied by an adult.

FIREFLY HUNT – Sat. July 21, 8 pm
Follow the Nature Center’s ranger along our wooded paths looking for glowworms in the leaf litter under the light of the moon. We’ll end the hike with a show by beetles in the Lampyridae family, better known as lightning bugs and fireflies. FEE: $3 per person. Wear shoes for hiking.


Saturday Creature Feature – Saturdays, 12 noon 
Come to meet our furry, scaly, and feathery animal ambassadors. You’ll have the chance to touch and hold them in this FREE family program for all ages.

Sunday Guided Hikes – Sundays, 1 pm
Join a Nature Center guide on Sunday afternoons for fun, exercise, and learning about our trails! See the above listings for hikes with a specific theme.

Monday Night Trail Run – Mondays, July 9, 16; Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27; Sept. 10, 17, 24; 5:30 – 6:30 pm
This is a call to all of the runners who want something that is out of the ordinary! Ranger Dan will lead you through our 156-acre network of trails, while you burn off the weekend’s extra calories. We guarantee that this FREE program is the best way to start off your week. Please register and wear appropriate footwear.

Family Organic Gardening Program – Tuesdays, July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28; Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25; 3:30 – 5:00 pm
ANC will be continuing family-friendly activities in our organic garden. Learn about growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. Dress appropriately; keep in mind you will get water and soil on your clothing. FREE, with the potential to take home fresh produce!

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