David Lenart, Derby’s newly-elected Alderman from the city’s Second Ward, sent along the following statement Friday morning:
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks and gratitude to the voters of the Second Ward for allowing me the chance to once again serve as their Alderman.
I am extremely humbled by the support I have received across party lines.
I am looking forward to working together with Mayor Dugatto and her administration to move our little city into the future.
In addition, I would like to thank Mayor Stafferi for both his guidance and years of service to the City of Derby.
It is important to me, that the citizens of Derby know that I am always available to listen to their concerns, and answer their questions.
You can reach me via Facebook, Twitter and email.”
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Twitter: @aldermenlenart
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aldermendavidlenart
Lenart, a Republican, previously served on the Board of Aldermen from 2007 to 2011.
Click here to read a profile of Lenart the Valley Indy published in 2012.