Letter: Derby Mayor Needs To Represent Residents, Not Political Parties


Disappointed doesn’t even begin to describe how we should all feel with the latest political antics of Mayor Anita Dugatto. 

While Derby is facing one of the biggest transformations we have seen in years with the Route 34 widening, our mayor chose to have a meeting with only representatives from the Democratic Party, some not even representing us in Derby, to discuss details of the plan. 

While ignoring our own state representative and minority leader of the House, Themis Klarides, a Republican, Anita once again has proven she will put her party first before the needs of our residents. 

Mayor Dugatto needs to understand she represents all of Derby and not just the Democratic Party. 

This just shows everyone that Mayor Dugatto intends to use the previously planned Route 34 widening as a political football in the upcoming election.

The author is managing Republican candidate Richard Dziekan’s campaign for Derby mayor.

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