Letter: Don't Let Partisan Politics Interfere With Derby Road Bond

DERBY — It’s disappointing to see the blatant politicization of just about every issue by the Derby Democrats. Based on recent letters sent to the Editor you would think we are having a Mayoral election this year. The Mayor is being criticized for not having done anything, but yet now being criticized for trying to do something. 

The election is still over a year away, but getting the roads paved is somehow just a political stunt? As a Derby Taxpayer, I support investments in our infrastructure no matter when they are. Since we have an election every two years, I suppose everything the Mayor does is now considered to be an election year stunt.

Joining the list of critics of the Mayor is the BOE Chairman. I am trying to understand this since he is the same person who managed the Mayor’s campaign just last year. Is it because he didn’t get the funding he wanted for the BOE in the last budget, even though the increase in the budget for BOE employee’s healthcare was increased by over 1 million dollars? 

Is it because the Mayor wanted to discuss with the Superintendent the consolidation of certain business office functions to save the city and BOE money?

The facts are that Mayor Dziekan advanced the repaving of roads because there is a demonstrated need as substantiated by the list of roads included. He did so with bi-partisan support and encouragement including that of Alderman Ron Sill (D2). The Mayor acted now, because the city’s finances have been righted from the absolute mess he inherited from the previous Democrat administration. With that accomplished, the Dziekan administration has a budget surplus and has stabilized the mill rate.

Don’t fall victim to the blatant self-motivated partisan politics. Vote in favor of the Road Bond referendum and keep Derby moving forward.

Jim Petrino

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