ANSONIA — Hello Fellow Ansonians!
Like most everyone in America, I am thrilled that 2020 is behind us and I look forward to 2021 being a year filled with hope and optimism for all of us! 2021 also brings us to our November municipal election and my greatest hope is that this will be the year that YOU decide to get involved in your local government and have your voice heard.
While presidential elections historically have the greatest voter turnout, it is your local election that has the greatest impact on your everyday life, such as how much you will pay in property and motor vehicle taxes and, more importantly, how and where those tax dollars are spent. Right now, a very small circle of insiders are making those very decisions without you. You have a right to know and should be involved in the process.
Of course, in person meetings have been suspended throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and the function of our government has been reduced to meetings being held in Zoom format with, unfortunately, very little public input. The current administration has taken full advantage of the fact that our residents and taxpayers have all they can do to make ends meet, keep a roof over their heads, feed and clothe their families and deal with their children being educated remotely, much less log on to all of the Zoom meetings where decisions are being made that just may add to the already overwhelming burdens we all face just to get through each day.
2021 has begun with the promise of a return to “normalcy” as more and more people are being vaccinated. We must remain vigilant in our mask-wearing and social distancing so that we can return to in-person meetings with much more participation and with renewed hope for a return to life as we know it.
2021 is the perfect time for you to ask yourself what it takes to get involved. Consider this an invitation to find out how. Feel free to reach out to us either on facebook.com/AnsoniaDemocrats or you can email us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for more information on how to get involved. The Ansonia Democratic Town Committee is waiting to hear from you!
Gary Farrar Jr.
Chairman, Ansonia Democratic Town Committee