Dear Fellow Citizen:
My name is Jim Gildea and I am the Chairman of the Derby Board of Education. I have been a member of the Derby Board of Education for 20 years. I have served as chairman for 14 of those last 20 years, including the last two. I am asking for your support to serve another term this Election Day.
As a member of the Board of Education, I have tried my best to represent those citizens that I serve. I have tried to serve on the board in a positive and effective manner by attempting to work with those in the school system to help move the school system forward and provide the best educational opportunity for our students.
I love our great City. I was born and raised in Derby and attended the Derby public school system. I have raised my own children, some who have graduated from the Derby public school system and others who still attend our schools. I care very deeply about serving our City and trying to make our city the best it can be.
Over the last two years, I have been Chairman and during that time, the entire Board has worked collectively to move the school system forward. We have worked as a team and consistently done what is best for the students within the Derby school system. We have tried our best to be as cost efficient as possible, utilize available grant money, work to see where we can share services with other communities and tried to be creative where we can.
Through our teamwork and collaboration we have been able to achieve many positive results. We have seen test scores increase, we have seen graduation rates increase, we have updated our policies in an effort to stay current, we have attempted to bolster our curriculum department as well as spend the time necessary to ensure the discipline in our schools is being addressed and handled appropriately. We have seen many positive accomplishments over the last two years. While there’s always room for growth, we have accomplished good things together.
I have always considered it a privilege to serve our great City and I once again ask for your support on Election Day.
Thank you
Jim Gildea
Chairman, Derby Board of Education
The writer is running for re-election on the Republican line.
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The deadline to submit campaign-related letters is 8 p.m. Oct. 31, 2019.