I happily write this letter in support of Kara Rochelle, the Democratic candidate for State Representative in the 104th District. Please support Kara on Election Day, November 6, 2018. She is clearly the best candidate to serve as our voice of reason in Hartford.
I am a lifelong resident of Ansonia and have known our current State Representative, Linda Gentile, for well over 50 years. Our paths have crossed many times, both personally and professionally. Our relationship has spanned from our carefree days in the ‘60’s as students at Ansonia High School to our children, and now grandchildren, being school mates and friends. I considered her my friend and would never hesitate to call on her for any matter affecting the 104th District.
Linda has unselfishly served her constituents for 14 years and as such a dedicated public servant, she certainly has earned the right to her well-deserved retirement. I, as many of the voters in our district who supported Linda, had some initial concern on hearing that she would not seek re-election about who would emerge as a viable candidate to continue Linda’s great work on our behalf. There is no longer cause for concern. Fortunately, within a matter of days after Linda’s announcement, Kara Rochelle announced her interest in seeking the endorsement of the Ansonia and Derby Town Committees and Kara has been working day and night to bring her message to the people she will represent as our new 104th District State Representative. She is committed to focus on the betterment of the lives of our working class, our retirees and our children’s futures through fresh ideas, pragmatic solutions and a down to earth approach to government.
Kara is a lifelong resident of the Valley and she has experienced firsthand the meaning of “giving back” to her community. Her parents and grandparents nurtured her with solid family values, simply by the way they have lived their lives in service to others. Kara knows the importance of building relationships, not only with the residents she will represent but with those she will sit alongside in the legislative chamber, regardless of their party affiliation. Kara also knows, as an elected official, the importance of Abraham Lincoln’s statement “government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.”
In a time when there is such an enormous political divide in our nation, we cannot let that transcend to the local level. We need to elect Kara Rochelle as our voice in Hartford. She will stand up for each and every one of the residents of the district, not just to advance the agenda and special interests of one political party.
These words of President John F. Kennedy were spoken on February 18, 1958 on the topic of “Collective Responsibility”. “Let us not despair but act. Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer but the right answer.” On Election Day, Tuesday, November 6, 2018 the right answer is KARA ROCHELLE.
Beth Shortell Lynch
Ansonia Democratic Town Committee Member
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