Letter Writer: Rochelle Is Best Choice To Represent Ansonia And Derby

I am fully endorsing Kara Rochelle for State Representative in the 104th district representing Ansonia and Derby.

I could leave it at that. A Democrat endorsing another Democrat, even outside his district, is unremarkable to the naked eye.

But Kara is special. She’s special for reasons that have less to do with policy than they do with her personal qualities, her work ethic, and just how forcefully she fights for what she thinks is best for everyone.

My first experience was last year when we were canvassing during the Derby primary. While walking, she broke the strap on her sandal, and ended up walking through the hills of Derby with a sandal and a half. Nothing would stop her from hitting those doors. I think she would have wrestled a bear, barefoot, if it came to that.

Since then, I’ve only been more impressed. She does all the meetings, knocks all the doors, and meets with all the regional stakeholders and groups in a way to advocate for the good of the Valley. Even without the title, she is representative” of the area, fighting for better schools, a firefighter’s school, and the economic future of the Valley as we move forward from the past.

The personal stories are just as impressive, like the time we interrupted a board game to engage in a spirited political debate while our friends passed out. There is a natural friction when strong personalities disagree, but that just makes me admire her more: she will fight for what she believes is best for everyone, no matter what, and has the work ethic and dogged determination to see it through. I have never met a harder worker in politics, in a list that includes U.S. Senators.

Kara Rochelle is the perfect person to take the torch from the retiring Linda Gentile, and will reward the area with her undivided attention and undying passion to improve the lives of all of her constituents.

The writer lives in Seymour.

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