The Rotary Club of Ansonia and the Rotary Club of Seymour-Oxford recently completed their merger which began during the summer of 2022. The new Club – the Rotary Club of Ansonia, Seymour & Oxford CT — does business as the AnSeOx Rotary Club and can be found on the web at www.Anseoxrotary.org . The new Club meets on the first and third Wednesday each month at Rose’s Family Restaurant in Oxford. The public is welcome, and speakers may contact the club through its website.

The Club continues to practice philanthropy through its support of local and international projects. Recently, an annual gift was provided to the Haitian Health Foundation and to TEAM Inc’s Toys for Kids program. Currently the Club is contributing to the annual Liberty Bank Thanksgiving food bank drive. Membership recruitment is ongoing — business owners and local residents who are interested in joining are encourage to visit a meeting or may indicate their interest via the website or call 203 – 888-1101. 

AnSeOx Rotary members take actions to make communities better. They contribute their time, energy, and passion to carry out meaningful and sustainable projects that promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, help mothers and children, support education, grow local economies and protect the environment. Rotary’s top priority is the global eradication of polio. Rotary launched its polio immunization program, PolioPlus, in 1985 and in 1988 became a leading partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

The AnSeOx Club is twenty-two members strong. Officers are Maryann Vlahac, President; Joe Pinto, President Elect; Joyce Barcley, Secretary; and Rich Knoll. Treasurer.

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