Derby Resident Says He’ll Run For Mayor

PHOTO: Jodie MozdzerIt’s still a year until municipal election time, but Derby resident Mark Searles this week announced his plans to run for mayor in November 2011.

Searles, a 42-year-old Democrat, hasn’t received the nod from Derby’s Democratic Town Committee yet, but he says he will move forward with his plans with or without their support. 

I have such a groundswell of support,” Searles said.

Searles said he would primary for a spot on the ballot if the town committee doesn’t endorse him.

Downtown Redevelopment

Searles said his main campaign issue is downtown redevelopment. 

Derby has been trying for years to breathe new life into its downtown — specifically the area between Main Street and the Housatonic River, stretching toward Route 8.

After the city threw a former developer off the project in 2008 — and settled an ensuing lawsuit — a new proposal from Eclipse Development of California has been endorsed. That proposal would create retail buildings and restaurants along the river.

In September, the city’s redevelopment agency endorsed the proposal, and gave Eclipse a year to secure tenants.

Searles said there’s been too little movement with the plans. He said he’d like see a light industrial park and some restaurants built at the site. 

When asked what Searles would do about the proposal from Eclipse, he said he would try to move the plans forward quicker, or seek out another developer for the site. 

Why can’t we talk to other developers,” Searles said. There’s got to be other people who are interested.”

Jump Start

Republicans haven’t begun talking about serious plans for the upcoming election yet, according to Ken Hughes, the president of the Board of Aldermen. 

It’s a year away. It’s too early to be thinking about the 2011 elections, for me,” Hughes said. We still have a lot of governing to do in a year.”

Mayor Anthony Staffieri was on vacation and unable to be reached for comment this week.

Members of the Democratic Town Committee were unable to be reached for comment.

The town committees usually start talking about candidates in January, Hughes said. 

Searles made his announcement before even finding out if his party backs him.

We’re going to start early because we’re serious,” said Bob Orchano, Searles’ campaign manager. We want people to know who we are.”

Who Is Searles?

Searles said he grew up in Derby, graduated from Derby High School in 1986. 

We were the Class S state champions in football,” Searles noted. Beat Ansonia.”

He works as a facilities manager for a company called 1 – 800-Pack-Rat — a portable self storage company. 

Searles said he has held management positions for the past 18 years. 

He described himself as a Reagan Democrat,” with conservative views. 

He has not been politically active in town before, something Searles considers an asset. 

I haven’t been involved in it at all, and I think that’s my advantage,” Searles said. That’s where my wisdom will come from because I haven’t been in it. I don’t owe anyone anything.”

Mystery Team

Searles said his next step is to try to get an endorsement from the town’s Democratic Town Committee. 

Meanwhile, he’s gathering supporters, Searles said. 

With the amount of people on our side we’re going to do it (run for Mayor) anyway, but we’d like to have their backing,” Searles said. 

Searles declined to name any of the supporters, saying that it’s too early. Some are Republicans, Searles said, and aren’t ready to publicly announce their support for a Democratic candidate. 

I know I can put together a massive team,” Searles said. People who have such great ideas of what we can do. I’m all about the great team that I have. It’s not about Mark Searles. I’m here to work for the town.”

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