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Peter Stamos, of Ansonia.
ANSONIA — Former Valley educator Peter Stamos, at 95-years young, still loves to curl up with a good book.
Whether he’s diving into a murder mystery, a suspense thriller or spy novel, Stamos polishes off three to four books a week.
That’s why his family decided to embark on a new chapter of their philanthropy by creating an endowed fund at the Valley Community Foundation in Derby to honor Stamos’ lifelong love of books.
According to a press release from VCF, the new fund will benefit the Ansonia Library — one of Stamos’ favorite Valley haunts. The fund, which the family donated some $12,000 in seed money, will enable the library to receive ongoing financial support for its programs, capital improvements, or general operating support.
The fund was created by Stamos’ children, Greg Stamos, Lisa Heerdt, Paris Heath and Paul Stamos.
“Like many good books, we are excited for this ‘new chapter’ of the Stamos family’s philanthropy,” said VCF President & CEO Sharon Closius, in a prepared statement. “The origin of this fund’s creation, like any good novel, has a beautiful back story.”
Stamos, a retired principal of the former Lincoln-Hayes School in Ansonia, often stopped by the library on his way home from work. He forged long-lasting relationships with the staff, along with an appreciation for the library’s significant role in the community.
Local Attorney Greg Stamos said even though his dad built up an impressive private library, he relied on the library to borrow the many whodunits, spy novels and thrillers that he still enjoys to this day. Even with the library operating on a reduced in-person schedule, due to COVID-19, Peter Stamos takes advantage of the curbside service.
“The librarians are still on the lookout for titles that might interest Peter and call him with recommendations,” Greg Stamos said. “My sister Paris will take a ride with dad and they’ll go pick up the book. Reading is still a great immersive passion of his.”
Greg Stamos said the library staff has always been kind and accommodating to his dad, and he, in turn, often made modest donations to the library over the years.
When Peter Stamos’ wife passed away in 2005, he donated money for books in her memory, as well as for the clock tower renovation, and more recently to renovation o the entryway’s mosaic floor.
“The Pegasus design resonated with dad because of our Greek heritage,” Greg Stamos said.
Greg Stamos said he and his siblings decided the time was right to establish the VCF fund while their dad is around to enjoy the fruits it will bear.
“In an age with so much technology, we want others to appreciate the joy and serenity of holding a book in their hands, something that can transport anyone anywhere in the world at any time,” he said.
Peter Stamos is thrilled to know one of his favorite places will benefit from the fund.
“I have received so much from the Ansonia Public Library over the years,” he said. “The friendships I have made and the experiences I have been able to receive are so incredibly valuable to me. I hope, through this fund, the library is able to continue to offer the same to others for generations to come.”
The fund couldn’t come at a better time. The library’s annual budget request of $458,183 was recently reduced by nearly $13,000 under the Mayor’s proposed budget.
Library Director Jennifer Lester found out last Friday of the newly created endowment.
“It really gives me chills, Peter is so amazing,” Lester said. “I was so thrilled and surprised to hear about the endowment. Every year (at budget time) is always a little struggle for us. And with COVID, people want easier access to things, like streaming services, and we want to be able to offer that, but prices have gone up. Every little bit helps.”
Lester had Peter Stamos as her elementary school principal.
“We’re so grateful to Peter and his family,” Lester added.
According to John Ready, VCF’s Donor Services & Communications Officer, the Peter Stamos Fund will grow over time through investment gains and contributions.
It joins more than 200 such funds at VCF. Ready said non-traditional gifts beyond cash, like gifts of appreciated securities and stock, real estate, life insurance and retirement accounts and a wide variety of planned gifts can be donated.
Anyone interested in making a tax-deductible contribution can do so online by clicking this link and scrolling down. Checks made payable to VCF, with “Peter Stamos Fund for the Ansonia Public Library” in the memo can also be mailed to VCF, 253‑A Elizabeth St., Derby, CT 06418.