The Naugatuck Valley Health District reported two COVID-19 associated deaths and one probable COVID-19 death in a report issued Thursday, Nov. 19.
The health district also reported 54 new cases within its jurisdiction.
Six COVID-19 associated deaths and two probable COVID-19 deaths have been reported locally since Oct. 27. Prior to that, a COVID-19 death had not been reported since July 30.
The full Nov. 19 COVID-19 report is embedded below.
The following is a message from NVHD Director of Health Jessica Kristy:
Good evening,
Attached please find the latest COVID-19 update on behalf of the Naugatuck Valley Health District.
There were 54 new cases reported to NVHD today.
Unfortunately I have more Valley deaths to report today including 2 laboratory-confirmed deaths and 1 probable death.
The laboratory-confirmed deaths were both residents of long-term care facilities; a 74-year-old male from Naugatuck and a 93-year-old female from Seymour.
The probable death was an 81-year-old male resident from Shelton.
Our thoughts and prayers are with their families.
(post continues after the document)
NVHD COVID-19 Update – November 19 2020 by The Valley Indy on Scribd
Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 Associated Death: Individual tested positive for COVID-19 around the time of death (before passing or postmortem); this is not a determination of the cause of death. The health district does not have further details including whether there may have been underlying health issues or other contributing factors.
Probable COVID-19 Associated Death: Person whose death certificate lists COVID-19 as a significant condition contributing to death but was not tested or who tested negative.
NVHD does not certify causes of death. Death data is obtained via the CT Department of Public Health via Chief Medical Examiner’s Office.
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If you have been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19 you must quarantine for 14 days from the last exposure to that person. You cannot get a negative test in lieu of quarantine.
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With Thanksgiving coming up, many of us have menus on the mind. With that being said, I want to remind you that the following preventative measures that we have been stressing all year are not à la carte. They must all be adhered to in order to slow the spread of this and other viruses.
It’s easy to let our guards down but we all have a responsibility to lead by example and continue to encourage our family and peers to wear their masks or face coverings properly, meaning it fully covers the mouth and nose. Resource: CDC: How to Wear Masks.
We must also continue to practice social distancing, especially with people outside of our households. I understand that it is particularly hard to resist the urge to see our friends and families around holidays but please consider staying home this Thanksgiving.
If you choose to celebrate, please remember that the indoor gathering limit (including private gatherings) is 10 people. Travelers must adhere to the CT Travel Advisory requirements including filling out an online Travel Health Form as well as quarantine or testing. Please read the FAQ for more details. Violating this Advisory may result in fines.
Finally, please remember that according to the CDC, regular hand washing (for at least 20 seconds with soap and water) is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others.
Cdc Covid-19 Thanksgiving PDF by The Valley Indy on Scribd
Alternate Thanksgiving Activities – CDC by The Valley Indy on Scribd