The Character Club at Prendergast School unveiled their mural depicting the Six Pillars of Character on March 23, 2012.
The Character Club was created last year by Behavior Intervention Teacher Melissa Cook.
The Club consists of approximately 40 students who were selected by their teachers, and participates in many activities that promote a positive climate throughout the school. The mural was made possible through a grant from the Jamie A. Hulley Arts Foundation.
Local artist Kathy Vincent guided the students through the artistic process of creating tiles which were then compiled to form the 6 Pillars (Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship).
Art teacher Danine Curtis enhanced the mural by painting the corresponding background color to each pillar. The pillars serve as a visual reminder to students at Prendergast School to show good character through both their actions and words.
The mural will be effective in helping the school achieve its goal of providing a positive learning environment for its students.
The Jamie A. Hulley Arts Foundation is a non- profit organization whose mission is to provide opportunities for young artists and early career professionals to expand their artistic talent and to pursue their dreams. Jamie A. Hulley was a young woman who was passionate about the arts.
Jamie dreamed of pursuing a career in the arts but her dream was cut short in 2002 when she lost her battle with an aggressive lymphoma just two weeks before her 21st birthday.
Jamie’s parents, Judy Primavera and Fred Hulley established the Foundation. To learn more about the foundation, visit