Promote Your Event On The Valley Indy Calendar

The calendar needs more Valley events!

Here’s an underutilized resource — The Valley Indy has a self-serve calendar readers can use to promote their events.

It can be a little tricky to use, but please give it a try.

Every town in the Valley has a web-based calendar, and there are tons of event listings on Facebook, but wouldn’t it be great to have a single centralized events calendar packed with things to do?

Caveat — please do not post business or money-making events in the calendar. Please consider buying a $99 ad for those events, and I’ll work with you to promote it on The Valley Indy and on Valley Indy social media.

To get started with the calendar, click on the top of the calendar on the right side of

You’ll be taken to the full calendar.

1. OK, you must register with the site before you can use the events calendar. That’s to make sure you are not a bot. So click ““registered” at the top left corner of the page.

2. Fill out the information. I would choose the same username and screen name to make life easier. When you’re ready, click ​“submit.”

3. Send me an email telling me you’ve registered for the calendar, along with the username/screen name. My email is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). I’ll activate your account.

Once your account is activated, go to, click the calendar, which will bring up the full calendar, then ​“add an event” (assuming you’ve signed-in to use the calendar).

Fill out the calendar form to add your event to the database. All events are screened before they go live on the calendar. BUT, feel free to email me and I’ll approve it myself.

Happy posting!

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