Rape Crisis Center Offering Free Training For Counselors

Do YOU want to make a difference?

The Rape Crisis Center of Milford may be just the right place for your commitment to provide a vital community service.

The Center is now accepting applications for the upcoming training to become a certified sexual assault crisis counselor, and is providing free training to those interested.

The 32-hour training program will begin on Sept. 4. Sessions will take place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Parson’s Government Complex on West River Street in Milford.

Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license with available transportation, and be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement upon acceptance into the program. No previous counseling experience is required.

Female, male, and bilingual volunteers are all needed. Volunteers are asked to pay a nominal $25 fee to cover the cost of the training manual.

The Rape Crisis Center of Milford, member of CONNSACS (CT Sexual Assault Crisis Services), is a non-profit service organization established in 1974. Staff and volunteers cover a hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For additional information please contact Maria or Cindy at 203 – 874-8712.

Visit www.rapecrisiscenterofmilford.org for more information or visit the center’s Facebook page.

A flier for the course is posted below.

Volunteer Training 2014

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