UPDATE: Derby Town Clerk Laura Wabno sent word Thursday afternoon saying Joseph Gruttadauria, Jr. has withdrawn his request for a recount, leaving Joseph DiMartino in the Second Ward the only recount scheduled for Tuesday at 10 a.m. on the second floor of Derby City Hall.
Original post follows:
Two candidates for Derby Aldermen have requested a recount, Town Clerk Laura Wabno said.
Joseph Gruttadauria, Jr., a Democrat who ran for First Ward Alderman, has requested a recount. So has Joseph DiMartino, a Republican who tried to get re-elected Tuesday in the Second Ward.
The recount is scheduled to happen Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 10 a.m. in the Aldermanic Chambers on the second floor of Derby City Hall.
Gruttadauria received 288 votes Tuesday and did not get elected. Only three candidates could be elected from the First Ward. The winners Tuesday were incumbent Democrats Barbara DeGennaro and Stephen Iacuone, along with incumbent Republican Beverly Moran.
Gruttadauria finished fourth — 13 votes behind Iacuone and 16 votes behind Moran.
Meanwhile, in the Second Ward, DiMartino finished fourth — just five votes behind Art Gerckens, a Democrat who was elected with 398 votes.
Derby Registrars will run the recount, which is open to the public.
Walter Mayhew, a Democrat who ran but did not get elected, requested a recount in the Third Ward, but had rescinded his request by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Wabno said.
CORRECTION: Walter Mayhew, a Democrat who ran but did not get elected in the Third Ward, waived a request for a recount if one were to made on his behalf, Wabno said.
A recount in the mayor’s race, which saw incumbent Mayor Anthony Staffieri win by 38 votes, had not been requested by 4:51 p.m. Wednesday.