Region Gets $70,000 Grant To Support Economic Development Strategy

U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D‑Conn.) and Chris Murphy (D‑Conn.) and U.S. Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D‑3), Jim Himes (D‑4) and Elizabeth Esty (D‑5) announced today a $70,000 federal grant for the Shelton Economic Development Corporation to advance economic development in the Valley and greater Waterbury region.

The grant, awarded by the U.S. Department of Economic Development, will support the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy coordinated jointly by the Shelton Economic Development Corporation, the Naugatuck Valley Council of Government, the Waterbury Regional Chamber and the Lower Naugatuck Valley Chamber of Commerce.

“These federal funds are a recognition of the powerful ongoing collaboration happening across the Naugatuck Valley Corridor — bridging borders to build strong economic development strategies. From brownfield revitalization and workforce development, to transportation and infrastructure improvement, the region is implementing a comprehensive economic development strategy that will grow jobs and strengthen communities for years to come. We applaud the EDA​’s investment and look forward to supporting this positive and exciting work,” Blumenthal, Murphy, DeLauro, Himes and Esty said.

​“This year’s funding will continue the implementation of the comprehensive economic development strategy, and continue to provide research and planning necessary to best position the Naugatuck Valley Corridor communities in the highly competitive global economy,” said James Ryan, President of the Shelton Economic Development Corporation.

The comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) reflects priorities suggested by communities throughout the Naugatuck Valley Economic Development District, with emphasis on distressed communities. 

Priorities include brownfields revitalization, transportation and infrastructure improvements, workforce development, business cluster development, development of new philanthropic resources, and creation of a Heritage Corridor District.

The EDA investment has been matched with resources from the UI Company, Katharine Matthies Foundation, Valley Community Foundation, Connecticut Community Foundation, the communities in the District through the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments, and the John Tyma fund.

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