Dear Citizens,
Election time is here again!
As cities and towns prepare for municipal elections and yard signs are displayed, take some time to meet the candidates running for office when they visit your neighborhood and ask them about your concerns.
Listen to their platforms, read the literature, and do not hesitate to question things that are important to you and how your tax dollars are being spent.
While there are choices in the election process, the City of Ansonia will have some slots that only have one candidate on the ballot. Some other positions like the Board of Alderman have options for you to vote on.
Take time to examine some of the minutes found on the city website ( and see how the currently elected alderman participate, question and attend the meetings.
A group without bi-partisan representation causes group think consensus to make decisions that may not be beneficial to taxpayers and residents. If you are happy with the same old way of life, vote them back in.
If you believe a change can benefit your quality of life consider educating yourself on what solutions the new candidates are advocating as their platform.
Your vote can make a difference! Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th. Get out and vote.
Joanne Czeczot
The writer is a member of the Ansonia Town Republican Committee.