Rep. Rochelle Appointed Deputy Majority Leader, Reappointed Vice Chair Of Higher Education

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Rep. Kara Rochelle.

From the Connecticut House Democrats, trimmed for style:

HARTFORD — State Rep. Kara Rochelle (D‑Ansonia, Derby) has been appointed to Deputy Majority Leader of the Connecticut House of Representatives and reappointed as Vice Chair of the Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee.

The Office of the Majority Leader has primary responsibility for managing the flow of hundreds of pieces of legislation voted out of each Joint Committee.

“As Deputy Majority Leader, I will work tirelessly with my colleagues with great care as a voice for hardworking people in the Valley and across the state,“ Rep. Rochelle said. ​“I am passionate about creating economic opportunities for all aspects of the workforce and expanding access to meaningful career pathways. Thank you to Speaker Ritter and Majority Leader Rojas for their trust in me.”

“Dedicated to affordable healthcare, small businesses, public education, job training, and economic development, Rep. Rochelle continues to fight for a better quality of life for all residents. She will be a great asset as a Deputy Majority Leader,” Majority Leader Jason Rojas said.

“Rep. Rochelle has been a steady hand as Vice Chair of the Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee,” Speaker of the House Matt Ritter said. ​“Her dedication to education and workforce development makes her a great fit for this role.”

Rep. Rochelle proudly represents the 104th District, which represents Ansonia and Derby.

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