The Cat in the Hat visited Bungay School in Seymour Monday to help students kick off Read Across America Week.

Monday was the 111th birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as children’s author Dr. Seuss, creator of the Cat in the Hat.

Geisel died in 1991.

A costumed Sam Pollastro portrayed the Cat in the Hat as he has in the past.

He and Bungay Principal MarySue Feige read aloud Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham” to kindergartners and students in grades 1 and 2.

Members of the community read other Seuss classics to older students in their classrooms.

Each year schools celebrate the famed children’s author’s birthday with Read Across America Day.

At Bungay School students and staff are celebrating reading all week, said language arts consultant Carolyn Mucci.

A variety of activities is planned, culminating on Friday with Character Day,’ when students are invited to dress as a favorite book character.

We’re trying to get everyone excited about reading,” Mucci said.

Second grader Ryan Sadick said her favorite Dr. Seuss book is The Cat in the Hat Comes Back,” because of all the funny things the cat does. 

Her classmate, Natasha Duke, said she likes all the funny words in Hop on Pop,” while second grader Mira Farmer said her favorite is Fox in Socks,” because of the tongue-twisters in the story.

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