Seymour Annual Town Meeting Tuesday

Seymour’s annual town meeting takes place Tuesday (April 30) at 7 p.m. in the Seymour Middle School auditorium.

The middle school is located at 211 Mountain Road.

The meeting will be residents’ last chance to weigh in on the proposed $53.26 million town budget for 2013 – 2014 before a May 9 referendum.

As it stands, the town’s tax rate would go up 1.9 percent if the budget were approved by voters.

That means a person who owns a house assessed at $230,000 would see their property taxes go from $7,550.90 to $7,695.80, an increase of $144.90.

Click here for previous stories on the budget.

Click here to read budget documents provided by the town.

The notice of the town meeting is posted below.

Notice Town Meeting 4-30-2013

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