The Town of Seymour will be voting again on the education budget on Thursday, May 14 at the Community Center.
The Democrats in Seymour strongly encourage the passage of the education budget. We believe that any more cuts to the education budget would be devastating to the school system
The education budget contains no new initiatives. For the most part the increase represents contractual obligations and increased funding for special education.
Seymour spends about $2,000 less per pupil than the state average and falls in the bottom 5th percentile across the state.
The idea that Seymour school system overspends on education is greatly exaggerated.
The Board of Education made several cost saving actions including eliminating two regular-education teacher positions and reducing spending on items such as bus fuel, heating costs and technology contract services among other things.
We feel that the previous vote on the budget had a very low turn out and was not a true sampling of the voters. We encourage everyone to please take the time and vote in favor of the budget in order to sustain the quality of education Seymour expects and deserves.
Paul Roy, Chairman
On behalf of Seymour Democratic Town Committee