Seymour Founders Day Pushed Back One Week

PLEASE NOTE: The Seymour Founders’ Day organizers sent the following information:

The Seymour Founders’ Day event scheduled for Sunday, June 5 has been postponed to the rain date of June 12 due to the impending weather. 

We look forward to seeing everyone on June 12!

Original post:

The event will be held in historic downtown Seymour from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This year’s benefactor is the Seymour Ambulance Association. 

The money raised and donated will be used to help upgrade their ambulances with a new, state-mandated stretcher loading system.

The American Legion will start the event this year posting the colors at 10 a.m. on Main Street. 

There will be many vendors, food vendors, local eateries and gift and antique shops available for patrons to enjoy throughout the day. 

Children can enjoy spending time at bounce houses sponsored by local businesses. 

Seymour Ambulance Association and the Seymour Police Department will both be there with programs for visiting families as well.

Founders’ Day also features a beer garden and food court located in the Seymour Town Hall parking lot, and musical entertainment for the day will be provided by the local band Bus Stop Annie.”

A shuttle bus will also run from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. for tours at the Seymour Historical Society. The shuttle picks up on the corner of Broad Street and Main Street.

Shuttle buses will be running between the Chatfield-Lopresti School on Skokorat Street and downtown Seymour during the event. 

Free parking is available in the Chatfield-LoPresti school parking lot. 

Free parking is also available in the Kerite Lots on Day Street.

The seventh annual Seymour Founders’ Day event is a fun filled family and community event to be enjoyed by all! 

For more information please visit or visit the Seymour Founders’ Day Facebook page.

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